So, since I've nothing terribly interesting to report, here are a couple of things I've thought of lately:
--There are slices of horse meat in a package in the fridge. It's read, and kind of jelly-looking. I'm slightly disturbed, even though in truth I don't have a problem with the concept of eating horse meat--I can't come up with any reasons that it's different than eating beef, chicken, etc. Still, I don't intend to try it.
--Leo giggles when he sneezes. It's really cute.
--I've adjusted to the cold--I was super excited that it hit 45 degrees yesterday.
--I've only been peed on once this week. Score!
--Leo yells "Goal!!" anytime he sees a ball. It's one of the 3 words he can say. I love it.
--I'm thinking of taking a big trip through Eastern Europe in April when I have some time off--Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia...we'll see what I can figure out. I think it would be tons of fun, now that I've seen most of the highlights in Western Europe.
--French is going well--I practice a bit with our housekeeper, so at least I'm able to use it occasionally.
That's all I can really think of for the moment. Like I said, nothing terribly interesting. I'm hoping to go skiing this Sunday, so pray for me not to break anything :)
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