Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Guess Who's Pregnant!?

No, it's not me--you can start breathing again Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, etc. concerned family and friends. It's Alice! The mother that I work for. She told me yesterday that she is expecting baby #2 in September. As I'm leaving in July, I will not be around for the joyous birth--thank goodness, since I don't get paid nearly enough to put up with that :) We are all quite excited though; except Leo, who has no idea what we're talking about. His world will be rocked soon enough when he starts to wonder why Mum is getting fat. 

I have to say, even though I'm unsure whether or not I'll ever do it myself, the idea of growing a person inside of another person is so fascinating and ridiculous! I mean, there's going to be a live, moving around, one-day-will-be-an-adult-like-you-and-(sort of)-me, person in there! It's crazy! Is it a little wrong that all I can really picture when I think of this is that scene from the movie Space Balls (spoofing the movie Alien I think) when the slimy dragon-looking alien bursts out of the guys stomach in the diner and then does a song and dance number on the counter? That was awesome, but probably not the birth plan Alice is going for...

I suppose now I have to cut her some slack for being tired all the time. I had been resenting her complaints of exhaustion following a day spent at the spa or something equally 'stressful' while I raised her kid all day...I guess the stress of cooking up a baby is a pretty good excuse...

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