Thursday, June 12, 2008

Henry has the Chicken Pox

Henry, age 2.5, is now experiencing one of the great joys of childhood--the chicken pox. He's covered in red dots, though he doesn't seem to be itching much. If it is actually The Pox (we're pretty sure it is), it's relatively mild--he had a small fever at the end of last week, when we are figuring he got it, and now there are the spots but they are only a little bit itchy. Victoria has taken him to the pharmacy to get some ointment--their doctor doesn't work on Thursdays, how nice for him. I think I had The Pox when I was a kid, so I should be okay, but we're leaving Sunday for our vacation to the South, so I'm really hoping that this clears up and that Allesio doesn't end up with it too. That would make for a great vacation, right?

Oh, the fun never stops when kids are around...


from the one you left said...

the little one will probably get it too. The joys of children

The Favorite said...

Woo hoo - I see mom is now a part of the blogosphere! Catholic/Parental guilt from across the world :-)

Do they have poison ivy there?

David Ben said...

Hahaha... I have to agree with Josh on the parental/catholic guilt. But we all love your mother dearly. I wonder if she can adopt me?

Let's hope you've had the chicken pox, if not it will definitely be a fun trip for you.

I'm jealous about your trip to the South of France. Take lots of pictures when you're not dabbing ointment in the kids.
